once again, i. gorman is hosting our annual designer show on friday and saturday, december 2-3. the shows are something we started doing 16 years ago and they've become more and more popular with each year's growth.
if you've never been to one, let me tell you what to expect. the store looks the same, but different. we clear the showcases of their regular pieces and each designer takes over a section and makes it his or hers. you'll be greeted at the door (after you've taken advantage of our free parking) and offered champagne or another beverage. after that, it's all up to you.
you may choose to start with a walk around to look at all the incredible work you've never seen before. each of the 10 international designers who is attending will bring all their latest work to show, share and sell (and they love to impress.) or you may just head straight to a favorite designer and start chatting, oohing and ahhing and trying things on. you can ask the designers about custom changes to a particular piece, or complete custom designs inspired by something you see. the more you interact with the designers, the better the experience for everyone. it's a totally fun way to shop!
it's not by accident that the show is always in early december. we are absolutely ready to wrap your purchases for holiday gifts while you wait. equally important: adam, nicole, bonnie, ivan, jill, zue and aarti will all be on hand to help you make those tough decisions!
so who are the designers? For the first time, maria rzewuska and schmuckwerk are coming from germany. enric majoral is coming from spain, antonio bernardo from brazil. also from germany: gellner, michael weggenmann and marcel roelofs. margoni is coming from greece and todd reed and alishan will be here from boulder and california, respectively. we promise to post next week with a little more information about each designer – in the meantime you can check out their work on our website.
the show is from 11am to 6pm each day. there's complimentary parking across the street at colonial parking on friday. on saturday, just pull up to the valet in front.
hope to see you there!
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