Thursday, February 14, 2013

the red dinner.

the last place i want to be on valentine's day is in a restaurant. over-the-top menus, with prices to match, and the chance of disappointing food. and if you get the wrong table? so much for romance. (dear restaurateur friends and fans, forgive me – you know i love to eat out. just not on valentine's day. or thanksgiving. or christmas.) 

my HUSBAND (i know it's weird, but the whole "husband" thing feels so good that i think it merits all caps in an otherwise lower case world) and i started a tradition a few years back. ok, i started it. it was a surprise for our first valentine's day together. it is the red dinner. as in a-l-l r-e-d. let me explain: it starts with pink champagne. it may stay there or move on to the obvious: red wine. and...

our midwestern origins made us carnivores, so red meat usually makes an appearance even though we've adored major-league salmon in the past and red quinoa sounds really tempting for a change. salad? red leaf lettuce and radicchio, of course. with tomatoes. red veggies... there's a small crayon box's worth out there! peppers, beets, onions, radishes. plus, the beets can turn white things pink. which definitely counts. 

for dessert, i have all sorts of delish fruits to pick from and i'll bake something special, though i do try to stay seasonal which is cruelly self-limiting. this year may i may go for sour cherries (they were seasonal when they were purchased at the farmers' market this summer and immediately pitted and frozen. yes that counts, too.) or fabulous blood oranges. if not, i can safely go the apple or red pear route. 

it's just nice to be home where we can count on the food, the service and the decibel level. we'll exchange funny and sweet cards and carefully thought-out gifts. there could, possibly, even be one of my favorite shopping bags from you-know-where. we'll cook together, talk and giggle, listen to our favorite music and remember why we're together. and be happy that we'll be together tomorrow. and the day after. and all the ones to come after that. 

valentine's day is fabulous when you spend it in just the right spot -- home.