it's fascinating to see which designers attract which brides and vice versa. so we took a totally non-scientific approach to the topic and thought we'd match up the dozen designers at our ultimate ring event with the type of girl we envision selecting one of their designs as the ring of her dreams.
if you consider yourself arty, funky, offbeat or simply singular, we see you orbiting the powerfully particular universe of todd reed and alishan. todd's unique work with raw diamonds is absolutely magnetic to a certain audience (full disclosure: i'm a todd girl; more about that in a future post.) alishan's handcrafted rings are a little frillier, but far from fussy – think teeny, intricate, artistic carvings and you're headed in the right direction.
slinky? sensuous? dramatic? look no further than etienne perret or the colorful world of omi gems. even before etienne blew us away with his ceramic bands, his sense of style was always in a class all its own. omi gems colored stones are intentionally sensational, not shy. you want drama? you've got it.
below: etienne perret, omi gems

the classic, vintage, society girl can go easily from kirk kara to ambar to mona taner to precision set. lots of diamonds and sparkle turn all their very pretty rings into heirlooms you can only wish you'd inherited. or add a twist to traditional and sashay down the aisle in a just-a-step-away beauty from sholdt or maevona.
below: kirk kara, ambar, mona taner, precision set, sholdt, maevona

finally, we have the ultra-modern, sleek sophisticate. if you can walk past coge or gebruder schaffrath without turning your head, you'll leave us scratching ours. their designs are straight out of a modern art gallery – just the thing for the way, way, modern bride.
below: coge, gebruder schaffrath

so that's our match game for today...we hope to see you at the ultimate ring event friday and saturday, february 24 -25. let us know which girl you are...or which girl you're marrying. did we get it right?